Yes, it is true that this morning I marched through an early morning cold full of fog and finger tingling goodness, but just last week I saw crocus and dandelions in full bloom, and, even more exciting, we spent four out of five days making art outside on the Firehouse Plaza. We filled up our shopping cart, named Gold Lemay, with glitter and beads and pipe cleaners and shrinky dinks and markers and drawing paper and dragged out art tables and chairs and platters of cheese and bagels and fruit to take in the glorious sun and make art in the company of wind and trees. Ashley taught me how to make a visor out of bristol board and string and the sun taught be how to relax and unwind. It was a good week, but it's nice to be back in the Youth Studio, with its warm orange walls and complete lack of sunlight. It creates a small, cozy, focused environment where you can forget the world, make art, and lose track of time. - Melissa
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